Dismantling the Dominant Art Narrative

I take apart the institutional story of art which I was also indoctrinated into through graduate art school, and offer a more broad, human, complex, and even progressive alternative. This article will help you see through the BS that permeates much of contemporary art theory, and which is used to devalue imaginative visual art and to undermine the great art of the past.

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Comedy as Unintentional Conceptual art

Comedy as Unintentional Conceptual Art Anyone who watches YouTube prank videos and is familiar with conceptual art and its pseudo-philosophical underpinnings should experience some cognitive dissonance when YouTube comedians do performance and installation art without giving it a second thought. This short clip from the Impractical Jokers includes a viable contemporary art installation: Everything in…

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Abominable Ideas About Art #4: If Michelangelo were alive today, he’d be a conceptual artist.

The art world is filled with bad ideas that are repeated like scripture, and accepted as truisms. Most of them presume to make sweeping statements about all art, and establish a hierarchy with their chosen art at the pinnacle. I’ve dismantled a bunch of the worst of these ideas in lengthy articles, but here I’ll…

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F_ck The Fountain!

[An unedited rant written in one go over a cup of coffee. This time I’m leaving in my typos and other shit. Yes, I know that “it’s” as a possessive doesn’t get an apostrophe, and I know the difference between “your” and “you’re”, and between “there” and “their” and “they’re”… But when I type, I…

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEIAhSJumNc] I think I watch a bit too much YouTube, but because I do I also know it's probably the most popular  and successful way to share information online. And for every video about contemporary art, I'm guessing there are hundreds or thousands of written articles. Maybe there's no audience for art criticism videos, especially if they are at all substantive and not just about why something sensationalist actually sucks. So, here's my first attempt at a semi-ambitious video, excluding the two I made for my own pieces, which are much shorter. This one goes for just over a half hour. I'm just reading my blog post, and slipped in a lot of pictures, but it takes longer to read something out loud, and some of my writing is more convoluted to verbally articulate than to just read. There's room for improvement in future videos. One of the advantages of being an independent commentator is that I can use as many images as I want in my posts, and can make videos and also use as many images as I want. Most art criticism I see is much more limited, partly for reasons of format and consistency, and I imagine for legal reasons as well. ~ Ends  

Ai Weiwei, Refugee Vests, and the Inarticulateness of Conceptual Art: Video Version

I think I watch a bit too much YouTube, but because I do I also know it’s probably the most popular  and successful way to share information online. And for every video about contemporary art, I’m guessing there are hundreds or thousands of written articles.

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