The current level of smear campaign against RFK Jr., which has devolved into calling him a “racist”, is so transparently stupid that anyone should be able to think through it if they just took a minute or two. Here I will eradicate a few utterly ridiculous and wicked slanders against him.

Before we get started, I will politely ask you to put your thinking cap on. I know, it sounds kind of condescending. Well, it’s not that, but rather that the smear campaign is so ubiquitous that people will, by this time, already have a gut-emotional disgust with RFK Jr. before they ever give him an honest hearing. That was by design. You are being manipulated to feel that he is the enemy before you meet him. I just want you to keep the following in mind: As an environmental lawyer, RFK Jr. filed hundreds of lawsuits and won scores of cases against big polluting corporations as well as the agencies that were supposed to be regulating them. Those corporations and agencies could afford the best lawyers in the business. Kennedy was able to beat them anyway because of his capacity to use logic and scientific evidence, citing studies, to make his case. For example, in 2018 he successfully sued Monsanto for $290,000,000 because their glyphosate-based product “Round-up” caused cancer. You didn’t hear about that, did you? Ask yourself, with that thinking cap still on, how he could have achieved that if he’s a crackpot conspiracy nut job. Saying RFK Jr. is a crackpot is like saying Mike Tyson is a wimp.

If your trusted news source is telling you that RFK Jr. is an anti-Semite, anti-Asian, etc., this is a very powerful sign that your news source is a lethal brew of corporate and governmental propaganda and that you are being spoon-fed noxious bile in lieu of anything approaching real news. Probably you are innocent and have merely been hoodwinked by a level of corruption we would never suspect in a decent world. Sorry, but everything is uglier than we want to admit, and our government and media are massively rotten.

I am shocked that people’s intelligence is not insulted by the transparently heinous smearing of RFK Jr., which reached a fever pitch days ago in the congressional hearing regarding the government’s extraordinary censorship of free speech on social media. RFK Jr. was one of the witnesses because of his own personal history of being censored, not only by the Biden administration in spades, but by Trump as well. For example, when he announced his run for the presidency, the live stream on YouTube was shut down within 5 minutes by Google. No, this is not because he’s a terrible person just seeking attention, and everything coming out of his mouth is too dangerous for our ears because it’s “conspiracy theory” or “hate speech”. This is because he’s taking on the corrupt establishment and presents such a serious threat to them that they will go to any extent to shut him up. This guy has a proven track record of taking down corrupt corporations believed to be so powerful they could get away with murder. Those same corporations are among the biggest donors to both political parties and virtually every news source.

Did you know Kennedy litigated against Ford Motor Company for dumping toxic waste on tribal lands in northern New Jersey? The RACIST! You didn’t know his team got a $670 million settlement from DuPont for 3,000 residents of Ohio for contaminating their drinking water? Oh, the evil, evil man. HEY HEY, HO HO, BOBBY KENNEDY HAS GOT TO GO! He has a long record of fighting for indigenous, minority, and working class people who were sacrificed to corporate profit. Calling this guy a racist is seriously F’d up, sick and twisted!


In a tragicomic faceplant the likes of which I’ve only encountered in novels by Franz Kafka, the ranking member on the subcommittee, Stacey Plaskett, tried to censor Kennedy before the hearing started. Debbie Wasserman Schultz quickly insisted upon shutting it down while piling slanderous character assassinations on RFK Jr. Note that Plaskett is the same individual who accused Matt Taibbi of perjury and threatened him with jail time because of what amounted to a typo in his testimony regarding the “Twitter Files”, and Schultz was highly instrumental in the Democratic Party’s sabotaging of Bernie Sanders’ presidential run. These two are fighters for their party, but not for democracy or decency.

Let me get out of the way that the chief argument the Dems here use to justify censorship is that “hate speech” has no possible positive purpose and should not be considered free speech because it is used to inflame racism and violence against innocent people, etc. It is best to substantiate this with anecdotes about receiving death threats because of something said. That sounds reasonable and on the side of humanism, until you realize that all the government or immoral institutions need to do in order to silence all criticism of themselves is find a way to label any challenge to them as “hate speech”. That is exactly what we are seeing with the demonization and character assassination of RFK Jr. The assumption is that we are too stupid to see through it.

RFK Jr. is RACIST against Jews and Chinese?!

This accusation stems from a highly edited video clip taken clandestinely during a dinner in which RFK Jr. talked about the history of developing bio-weapons and the threat they potentially pose with new technology that makes them ever more possible. The excerpted clip you will likely have seen shows him saying that the COVID virus targeted whites and blacks while being less effective against Chinese and Ashkenazy Jews. What we are supposed to take away from this, according to the likes of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is that Kennedy is casting aspersions on Chinese and Jews in order to degrade, disempower, and direct violence towards them. Behold:

That’s a performance worthy of the Inquisition, and I doubt there’s anyone who wouldn’t register that she uses her time to smear Kennedy but won’t let him have a second to defend himself. And are we supposed to conclude that Kennedy is suggesting the Chinese and the Ashkenazy Jews were working together to create the virus?! At the very least, we are expected to be so dim that we will believe a highly educated presidential candidate in 2023 doesn’t know better than to make racial slurs. Gimme a break! Compare Schultz’s vicious lunacy to Kennedy’s magnanimous and eminently sane opening statement before the Dems starting hurling invectives. Schultz immediately pounced within a fraction of a second of his completing the impromptu speech, and you can hear her at the very end.

You won’t likely see the short speech above. You will see highly edited clips, and perhaps some of the Dem’s attacks, as if they were warranted and had any merit whatsoever. We need to pause here and consider how malicious Schultz’s attack was. This hearkens back very directly to the infamous McCarthy hearings, where people would be called out as communists. The worst thing you can be in woke America and regular America is a racist and an anti-Semite. Schultz must know it’s a lie, and yet she attempts here to brand a presidential candidate with those offenses in a flagrant attempt to get him canceled. Schultz is herself a candidate for Queen of Cancel Culture. It’s all in the video. That is slander, and interestingly enough, slander isn’t free speech. So, comically, while shutting down Kennedy’s free speech, she’s doing it with ill intent, which is not protected as free speech. That’s quite a stellar achievement. It’s also election interference because, again, she is trying to get a presidential candidate canceled by branding him a racist, when she must know it’s not true.

And are we to then suppose that she is doing this in the name of good? Or, more likely, is it for ulterior reasons that have everything to do with money, power, and a level of privilege unimaginable to the everyday working American? This is also a classic witch hunt. You brand someone as the worst kind of person—crazy, dangerous, racist, anti-Semite, conspiracy nut job—and then you have them cancelled. And indeed it would make him a target for violence. That’s why Schultz is so convincing in the role of the inquisitor. I’m talking Oscar material.

Kennedy responded, under oath, that Schultz was guilty of lying and defamation. But lying and defamation are supposed to be excusable when they are directed at a monster, I guess. What is the man’s crime other than being overzealous, in their minds, when it comes to protecting the public from harm, whether it’s from pollution, medicine, or even vaccines? Would we really prefer that AstraZeneca wasn’t pulled when it was discovered to cause blood clots? If you don’t want blood clots from your jab, that doesn’t mean you are against the polio and measles vaccines. He works with hundreds of PhD scientists to help construct, analyze and fact-check everything he publishes. So he’s trying to do the right thing and is fighting for the good. Even if he were wrong about something, that wouldn’t make him a villain who it was OK to lie about and slander [while silencing him so he can’t defend himself].

Kennedy explicitly says in a slightly less edited version of the video that he is not saying that the racial effect of the virus was deliberate: “We don’t know if it was deliberately targeted or not, but there are papers out there that show the racial and ethnic differential impact of that.” He was referring to an NIH funded study by the Cleveland Clinic that investigated the effect of the COVID virus on people based on race. This is not an unusual or racist line of scientific research. We already know that certain viruses or diseases affect some races more than others. In Kennedy’s extemporaneous dinner conversation, he was using COVID as a virus everyone was familiar with to illustrate that IF COVID could affect races asymmetrically, then a virus could hypothetically purposefully be designed with today’s advanced technology to selectively harm certain races, e.g., the race of another country in a war scenario. This possibility he considers horrendous, and the entire point of his monologue was that we need to protect all races against any such misuse of technology. He is strongly arguing against the [secret] employment of bioweapons. The fact that Chinese, Ashkenazy Jews, and Finns were the least affected groups in the study is purely incidental to his argument. It doesn’t matter which races were more vulnerable in this instance; the point is that it is evidence that a virus could be designed to attack specific races.

You might think it’s crazy to suppose that anyone would create bioweapons to harm select races. I thought that was pretty out there, myself. However, there had to be a ban on developing bioweapons in the past specifically because people were busy doing it, including the United States. The U.S. was investing $300,000,000 a year into biological weapons development until Nixon ended the program in 1969. Obviously, the human species is not above using bioweapons. The question is, are we still doing it? More than 180 countries signed on to the 1972 International Biological Weapons Convention. however:

the spectre of biological weapons is somehow back to haunt humanity in the 21st century. On papers, no country is openly pursuing biological weapons today. But, some recent breakthroughs in science have heightened tensions. Innovations in gene editing and synthetic biology may give birth to a new age of biological weapons. Scientific breakthroughs are exposing the gaps in the Biological Weapons Convention.

It’s possible that some states could be experimenting with biological weapons, even non-state actors have tried to develop them. It is believed that 6 countries, in particular, might have an ongoing bioweapons programme – Iraq, Iran, Libya, China, Russia, and North Korea.

Written By WION: Feb 04, 2020

Even if some nations may be secretly developing bioweapons, is it preposterous to entertain the possibility that anyone would pursue weapons that would take out the predominant race(s) or biological categories of people [if we are uncomfortable using the word “race”] of a rival country?

there are multiple articles that argue just this:

The Coming Threat of a Genetically Engineered ‘Ethnic BioweaponThe National Review, April 10, 2023.

Pentagon Making Race-Specific Bioweapons to Target Citizens, China SaysNewsweek, May 11, 2023.

Could you make a genetically targeted weapon? The Guardian, 28 October 2004.

And here’s a quote from the article in The Guardian Above:

The prospect that rogue scientists could develop bioweapons designed to target certain ethnic groups based on their genetic differences was raised this week in a report by the British Medical Association (BMA).

The report, Biotechnology, Weapons and Humanity II, warns that construction of genetic weapons “is now approaching reality”. Such “genetic bombs” could contain anthrax or bubonic plague tailored to activate only when genes indicated the infected person was from a particular group.

The human species is a lot more diabolical than we like to admit. I will readily concede that some of the things RFK Jr. says strike me, at least at first, as shading into Alex Jones or David Icke territory, but on further investigation, he’s citing peer-reviewed scientific articles in reputable scientific journals.

Kennedy was right on a moral basis, if we look at the correct argument. He is pressuring countries to ban all biological weapons research, which can even use current technology to make custom viruses to infect an enemy army or population. It’s on par with wanting a ban on nuclear weapons. And we could all agree that we don’t want to use biological weapons on anyone else, and we don’t want them to use them on us. But RFK Jr. is a racist, anti-Semite, and anti-Asian, and his views are too dangerous, disgusting, and vile to deserve to be heard at all. For him, we demand censorship, or we should say continued censorship. When Kennedy’s livestreamed announcement speech on YouTube was unplugged by Google/YouTube within 5 minutes of his speech, THAT was censorship of the hard-core, third-world, take-no-prisoners, jail your competition variety. And the only people who would be guilty of that level of censorship and corruption happen to be precisely the same people Kennedy is holding to account for censorship and corruption, which go together like hand in glove.

As he likes to point out, never in history have the censors been the good guys. A government that doesn’t allow free speech, doesn’t allow criticism of itself, and thus gives itself license to commit all sorts of atrocities. And whenever governments do decide to employ censorship it’s always in the name of virtue, and for the safety and well-being of the public. Sound familiar?

My personal off-the-cuff insight into his psychology [not that my impression is worth much authoritatively] is that here is a guy whose father and uncle, one a president and the other nearly one, were both assassinated, in which case he’s going to be a lot more aware of the darker side of human nature than the majority. Tragically, a lot of what he is busy unveiling is corruption on a level that is not only absolutely unacceptable and unconscionable, but an extremely large and bitter pill to swallow. His truth paints a much darker picture than we want to countenance, but this also means that the enemy to our freedom, prosperity, and health is greater than we’ve anticipated. Further, he is committed to fighting these real looming threats, while others are pocketing money from them.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz auditioning for a role as a Sr. Inquisitor for the Spanish Inquisition sentencing a witch to burning at the stake.

So, once we get over the completely imbecilic and sinister tactic of smearing Kennedy as a dangerous, racist lunatic who must be censored, we are left with being angry that he dared insinuate that humans would stoop so low as to create biological weapons, forgetting, of course, why we had to place an original ban. Our species is capable of extreme and horrendous cruelty. So, how dare RFK Jr. insinuate that America, China, Russia, or anyone else would EVER design biological weapons to harm their enemies, competitors, or whomever they want to destroy. We only kill using conventional weapons!

Somehow in the insane drive to brand RFK Jr. as a racist, those doing the branding have not spoken a word about wanting to oppose the actual danger of current biological weapons, which could target specific races. In effect, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Stacey Plaskett, and the 102 Democrats who signed a petition to not allow RFK Jr. to testify in the hearing on government censorship are excusing or ignoring the arguably real existential threat of the most heinous racist weapons ever conceived. There’s no, “yes, biological weapons designed to affect certain biological groups must be stopped, but…”. Meanwhile all those Dem politicians who signed that petition prove that the government is absolutely practicing censorship, and for ulterior purposes.

Virtually every major liberal news outlet that we could trust in the past, from the New Yorker to NPR, has been corrupted in the last few decades to the point where they are a propaganda wing of a government, which itself serves the interests of the most powerful people and corporations against the interests of the people. If you look up RFK Jr. on any given day, the results will overwhelmingly be hostile attacks from what used to be credible sources a quarter century or so ago. The impression is that nobody takes Kennedy seriously, and everyone thinks he’s a dangerous cook, while the sheer volume and meanness of the attacks indicate they do take him very seriously. I haven’t experienced this level of unified messaging since the run-up to the war with Iraq, when everyone including David J. Remnick, editor of the New Yorker, pushed for bombing. Remnick, again on the wrong side of history with gusto, recently published one of the most disgusting hit pieces on Kennedy.

The United States today and its major news outlets are a disgrace. This kind of heinous smear of a presidential candidate who threatens the establishment in precisely the same way he threatened Monsanto should be a red flag to you that your news outlet has degenerated to the level of classic Soviet Propaganda proper.

I’ve lived in four countries with authoritarian levels of leadership, and we are more and more closely resembling them. It’s human nature, apparently. When we get too much power and control, it goes to our heads; we get addicted to it, and we want more and, above all else, to not lose what we have. The only reason America has escaped authoritarian rule to the degree it has is because our Constitution places restrictions on power. Quite naturally, politicians will seek to override and whittle away our constitutional protections and the Bill of Rights, such as by gutting the First Amendment Right to free Speech. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are immune to corruption, and at present, the Democrats are the ones up to their eyeballs in it. Used to be the Republicans, but now the Democrats have more power and are even worse. Didn’t quite see that coming until the last decade.

And no, Kennedy never threatened to jail climate skeptics or use the death penalty on anyone. That’s more bogus nonsense I can easily dismantle, but for the sake of brevity, I concentrated on this latest and most egregious smear. Further, he’s not an anti-vaxxer, even if he has a history of questioning vaccine safety and protocols, because that’s merely one facet of his overall campaign of opposing and exposing the corruption of Big Pharma, as well as the other big businesses that poison waterways and the air and otherwise sacrifice the health of the public for personal profit. That is his legacy. He has fought amoral corporations that harmed the public his entire career, and THAT is why he is such a threat to the entrenched establishment enriched by these same extremely powerful corporations.

Newsflash, in case you haven’t heard, after years of smearing, de-platforming, and censoring anyone who suggested that the virus came from the lab that was developing precisely that kind of virus, we are now starting to admit that that is exactly where it came from [and it was funded by the NIH]. We used to deny that the US funded that lab in any way, but today, years later, Biden is somehow cutting the funding to the lab. How do you cut funding for a lab that we never funded in the first place? And we will hear about how many lives the vaccines saved, but never piece together that every life lost and every life threatened by the virus was due to U.S. technology being used in a government funded offshore lab creating “gain of function” viruses. None of that is controversial anymore. Those are established facts. The “wet market” was itself a conspiracy theory hatched explicitly to cover our own tracks and accountability. It was wool pulled over our eyes, and you were not allowed to question it, otherwise you were a Trumper. Everything comes down to the Bogyman. Tales for toddlers and the crib-side candy extraction.

And of course, there were authoritative scientific studies that once and for all “debunked” the lab-leak theory and the scientists who argued for it—studies we now know were constructed and propped up disingenuously in order to substantiate the establishment narrative. These fraudulent studies were dutifully repeated in all the mainstream media outlets [owned by the same six companies and sponsored by Pfizer, etc.]. Take that template and apply it to other officially “debunked” theories and the people who espoused them, which ran afoul of the same agencies and pharmaceutical companies. Nowadays, when we hear “debunked” by the NIH [funders of the Wuhan lab] or the WHO, that’s no longer a slam dunk that something is false, but may be a red flag that it isn’t.

One has to be able to get into the nitty-gritty of the studies in question: who funded them, what are their specific findings, are they really conclusive, and what are the counterarguments and evidence from other studies? That’s something RFK Jr. has spent a career spanning forty years doing, which is why he was able to win cases where scientists from Yale and Harvard and their respective studies were pitted against each other. For generations, corrupt tobacco, pharmaceutical, and fossil fuel corporations have famously hired morally bankrupt scientists to craft convincing studies to exonerate their products at the expense of the public. The problem is that today everything is so corrupt that people from those same companies now lead the agencies that are supposed to regulate them. Where do we get the authoritative truth? No longer from the government or our traditional sources. We have to goddamned figure it out ourselves using our own intelligence and looking at sources who are not bought and owned by the amoral corporations themselves.

And let’s just get out of the way the arguments that say “this is a Republican strategy” or “aids Trump”, etc. Anything wrong with the democratic wing of the government will be attacked by the republican wing, in which case if we dismiss any republican rebuke of the Dems, we reject any and all criticism of them. See how that works. You can’t criticize the Dems without being branded EXTREME MAGA, just like you can’t criticize our role in Ukraine without being branded a “Putin stooge”. The Democratic Party is therefore untouchable and beyond criticism.

Meanwhile, Russiagate, as we now know, was a government-sponsored conspiracy theory, and the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy was reality. The point is that the government with the help of a fully complicit media [just what you see and expect in any authoritarian regime] is very good at creating impressions of a unified common-sense belief that cannot be sanely challenged but also turns out to be a deliberate deception and actual conspiracy. Ironically, today there’s a very good chance conspiracy theory is whatever the conspirators themselves tell us it is. When those same liars announce a witch hunt and call for all of us to light our torches, hoist our pitchforks, and destroy the monster, I have a very strong suspicion that the monster is innocent and the witch hunters are the monsters. I just watched this sort of trial in the guise of a congressional hearing on censorship. Instead, each of the Democratic speakers used their time to smear RFK Jr. and silence him.

Oh, I forgot to dismantle the other incredibly stupid argument that RFK Jr. compared the treatment of people who refused to get vaccinated with how Ann Frank was treated during the Holocaust. Do people ever bother to look up the context and actual argument, or do they just read the headlines? His argument was about the level of privacy we lack today because of current technology. As compared to the time of the Holocaust, when people were most viciously hunted under the most atrocious regime, it was possible to hide in a way that would be impossible today. The message is that today’s totalitarians have at their disposal means of oppression, surveillance, censorship, and an invasion of privacy never dreamed of before, and at present, you couldn’t hide in someone’s attic or basement if a corrupt regime were hunting you down. Any educated person should be able to see the proper import of that argument, which is that the potential threat of totalitarianism is greater than ever before. If those claiming anti-Semitism were given a test in a critical thinking class and asked to ascertain the meaning of RFK Jr.’s comments, they would have failed. Therefore, I assume that those who twisted an excerpt of a speech to somehow be anti-Semitic were purposefully and maliciously distorting the truth for ulterior political ends, which are likely sinister.

UPDATE: Subsequent to publishing this post I discovered “Team Kennedy” uploaded a video countering this same accusation, and others.

The cruel and insipid persecution of Kennedy makes me say out loud, “How dumb do they think we are?!”

All of those deal-breaking conclusions you’ve been spoon fed that make RFK Jr. an untouchable can be flipped on their backs. In the end we aren’t left with much more than feeling he could be a little too open-minded in his quest to defend the poor and downtrodden from being crushed under the boot of super powerful corporations, institutions, and entrenched power.

The reason nobody, including Joe Biden, will debate Kennedy is NOT because what he has to say shouldn’t be given a platform. No, they are afraid of being out-argued and exposed. They want him censored the way Monsanto, and Ford, and DuPont didn’t want him to put them on trial for their crimes against the public. They know his record as a lawyer, are familiar with his multiple books, and are rightfully intimidated. The word “chickenshit” comes to mind, especially when it comes to Joe Biden and crew, who are willing to blatantly override democracy by eliminating him as a choice before you ever see a ballot. It’s about sabotaging another candidate in order to maintain a stranglehold on power. All they can do is call Kennedy names and hope that we are too timid and feeble-minded to figure it out or kick up a fuss. The plan is to run another campaign in which our only choices are the lesser of two pathetic evils. And which side is more evil?

And don’t mutter that utter crap about how RFK Jr. is going to spoil Biden’s bid for the throne. In a true American democracy where RFK Jr. wasn’t deliberately sidelined by the Dems and where Biden would debate him, we’d be asking if Biden’s running was spoiling Kennedy’s chances of defeating Trump. Given a fair presentation, I’m pretty damn sure Americans would almost unanimously prefer Kennedy to another four years of Biden. Also, Kennedy gets the threat AI poses, whereas Biden thinks AI is a steak sauce.

My optimism is showing because I’m supposed to be afraid to say anything or stick up for the most maligned candidate in my lifetime – even Tucker Carlson claims Trump got the kid-glove treatment compared to Kennedy – but I still think there’s enough belief in truth and actual democracy that we can speak out for a few more years, months, or weeks. I am probably wrong and already paying the price.

While the media trip over themselves to say RFK Jr. is an embarrassment to the Kennedy name, in reality, the apple couldn’t have fallen closer to the tree. RFK Jr. is a genuine American hero, woven in the same fabric as his uncle and father. Those two figures were assassinated because they posed a threat to the establishment, and it is no coincidence that today’s morally bankrupt establishment is already engaged in the character assassination of RFK Jr. This is a war not only on RFK Jr., but on JFK, RFK, and everything they stood for.

I know what most people are thinking. He is responsible for the “debunked” conspiracy theory that vaccines are linked to autism! And that just hits the gut. That’s insane! But less insane if we actually trouble ourselves to hear what he has to say on the issue. His argument is that we need to investigate if there is a connection between the 16 vaccines and cumulative 72 shots now administered to children and a whole range of diseases that have gone up astronomically coincidentally in the same period vaccinations have been ramped up: autism, ADHD, eczema, allergies, asthma, diabetes, etc. There must be an environmental cause for these once rare and now commonplace afflictions.

10% of boys now have developmental disabilities according to the CDC?! There’s nothing to see here, folks. We’ve just gotten better at diagnosis! And it’s a win-win situation for Big Pharma because all these kids will need to be on lifelong prescriptions for medications, the more expensive the better. It’s not a health emergency; it’s a conspiracy theory emergency, I guess. Why, anyone who would suggest the pharmaceutical industry—or any industry donating to political parties and sponsoring the media—has anything to do with it should be drawn and quartered in the public square, by gad, by gee, by golly, by gumbo.

We must teach those who question the profit margins of big business a lesson!

Kennedy acknowledges we live in a “toxic soup” of plastics, pollution, chemicals, contaminants in food, and vaccines are just one of the possible culprits. The causes have been insufficiently researched because, he argues, vested interests don’t want to find the answers. While all medications are customarily held suspect by the public, and we have no trust in Big Pharma, when it comes to the increasing line of vaccines issued by the same companies that have been sued for tens of billions of dollars for harming the public, they get a free pass. Kennedy is not an “anti-vaxxer” in that he isn’t against the concept of vaccines, but rather wants to insure that the way they are produced and administered is subjected to rigorous safety standards. He is anti Big Pharma corruption, and everyone in the know knows that.

Here’s another news flash: we have had vaccines that were discontinued because they weren’t safe. Below, from the CDC website, for just one example, a swine flu vaccine was found to cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). It happens. But we have to trust the pharmaceutical industry and the agencies it sponsors to police themselves in the interest of the public, not profit. I’m pretty sure the reason we are religious about vaccines probably relates to the fact that we are one of only two countries in the world that allow pharmaceutical corporations to advertise on television. We are bombarded with Big Pharma propaganda, and the companies in question are so rich and powerful that they have infiltrated government agencies. Perhaps it isn’t stark raving mad to want greater scrutiny of vaccines along with all other medications.

If you want to engage your own brain, listen to this interview between evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein and RFK Jr. on vaccines. Warming, it’s a grownup discussion, and not a soundbite delivered from on high to a presumed credulous and acquiescent subservient underclass:

Try to imagine Biden or Trump engaged in this level of conversation, whether you agree with RFK Jr. or not.

To be really succinct, the reason the Dems want to destroy RFK Jr. is because they know that if average Americans were to give him a fair chance, they’d overwhelmingly adore him. Perhaps his biggest appeal is he thinks Americans deserve to know and can handle the truth.

Look at the far right column. RFK Jr. is #1 with a 21 point positive ratio. He is most loved by the people and most hated by the establishment.

America is lost. Can we find our way again?

About the hearing, and interesting points about rights versus privileges, and the Dems here thinking they have the power to curtail inalienable rights otherwise preserved by the Constitution.

OK, you can take your thinking cap off. CNN is on, and the NYTimes has hit the doorstep. If you look into it, you’ll discover that all of the mainstream media smears RFK Jr. So, if your first instinct is to look him up on Wikipedia or another trusted news source of authority, you’ll just get the same corporate and political propaganda. And you know, that’s a bit lazy, isn’t it?You just type in whatever authority you believe you can trust, and you get their verdict in seconds. Maybe you bother to register their argument. In that case, you don’t bother using your own intelligence to weigh arguments or evidence. You just fall victim to the logical fallacy of “the appeal to authority”. Authority in America is goddamn corrupt as all hell. It’s about on par with consulting the Chinese Communist Party to get an instant, definitive answer to any question you might have about science or politics.

On the other hand, most of the alternative news sources that do not get funding from corporations are for him. If you aren’t aware of what the alternative news sources are in 2023, I’ll let you do your own homework. Hint, people like Matt Taibbi, who are maligned by the popular media are very likely people who are regularly dropping truth bombs the administration is afraid of.

For now, the best thing you can do to give the guy a chance is to listen to him directly. He aggregates his material on Twitter here:

Oh, no, I never have voted Republican in my life. It’s my own party that made me lose my lunch. I did not vote in the last election because both candidates were “evil”.

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Whatever doesn’t kill you makes your debt stronger!

For more of my take on RFK Jr., see my article from May 2nd, Runaway Rant: The Despicable, anti-American Smearing of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Everything I said holds true.

NOTE: I am currently taking a break from social media and only penned this post in absolute disgust at how low the government and complicit media have sunk. This is the only post where I am not allowing comments simply because I am busy working on a project and can’t take the time to get embroiled in debates. I’ve already announced here that I am taking the month off social media, so this is not a surprise. I sort of regret taking the time to write this post, but sometimes it’s better to vomit than keep something disgusting down. I could not stomach the hideous display of Schultz or Plaskett…

~ Ends