Guest post by Ivor Unsk

A hatred and popular blood exterminant! So the few are acquainted with the heroic Huraz Minogg, when in such case mistaken the more terrible redundant! What disaster has been compromised then the other is none required. After all the absolute rubbish their most cherished beliefs, declared by his followers, solemnly, the man with a Huraz Minogg by impaling, was executed in your own backyard. Of these purple and so much about the philosopher who, this time out there was a better service.

Huraz Minogg with Birkack Efisanev in the Burbunga, dicsusing a major trend in the field of flowering principles.

Rejection of all authority and cut the hypocrisy to corruption in rural incurred a huge following with his campaign to get rid of, then Minogg, however unpleasant, introduced landmark consideration for his disciples, and the reality is nothing but made ​​a mistake by rejecting to the fatal. At the end of the child as against the teachers, the parents returned to the rebellion, the students launched against chaos. Huraz Minogg humiliated the square, and here in the crimes committed against the idiocy is more for the public without record as food, any water and three days, then fell out of him.

T.S. Eliot written: “After such knowledge, what forgiveness,” and so it was Huraz Minogg, minion, that too much confusion and little did truffles and candied. No one wished living realnosti in this village. Egg citizens rather than fascinating fantasy. Finally they returned to eliminate both tooth from error to the horrific murder. Oddly enough, of all their cultures and itself the township, Burbunga remained the story of a solitary Minogg Huraz.

Rendering 1892. In the final time of corbels, and philosopher of Huraz Minogg to be killed too suitable the eye and hearing.

Sensitivity and trembling crushed beneath the shade this crimson stone.

by Ivor Unsk


A quote from Killing the name in Minogg: a short biography of Minogg Huraz still the shorter life, by Ivor Unsk:


Finalment, a reminder of from which traditional these encounters with more increasing likely ever.

Out with not precedent, could it befall Huraz Minogg have unnoticed a story advancing such lurid?


4 replies on “With Execution for Minogg Huraz!

    1. No. The first one is some Slavic painting. Quite skilled. It’s excellent. The one with the crows is by me. I did it as fast as I could. The whole post is bizarre, and I don’t expect many people to get it. The faux badly translated text, apocryphal author and subject are all a bit arcane and self-indulgent, when people seem to want more straightforward sincerity. Right now, though, I’m interested in exploring what can be done with a blog, including some gif animations I’ve scattered about, fake awards… So, I’m tweaking out the message and the medium, maybe a bit overmuch.


      1. I liked your lobster award. Made me laugh out loud. Next you should do one of a do-do bird! Yes, that Slavic painting is awesome. I was struck by the use of light. I figured the crows painting was your and I liked it too.


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