Watch the debates with RFK Jr. here:

The scheduled debate on CNN between Biden and Trump is a pathetic spectacle in lieu of an actual debate, or anything approaching what one might experience at this stage of elections in a real democracy. The conditions of the debate are astounding. Since when does the reigning administration demand only certain conditions will be permitted, including only using a news outlet that is entirely biased in their favor? Imagine if Trump had attempted something similar, where he would only debate if it was on Fox News, and with Tucker Carlson as the moderator. What we have is precisely the same thing, and at best. We can assume the moderator will lob softballs to the incumbent who will regurgitate carefully rehearsed answers. No actual debate — as in debaters asking each other their own questions and responding back and forth — will transpire. Just a canned production intended to insure that Biden is the winner, or can be passed off as the winner with enough repetition. But the real crime against democracy, which nobody should be tolerating, is the deliberate elimination of the third contender, who would doubtlessly destroy both Trump and Biden in anything approaching a fair and real debate. The fear is that if the public ever sees RFK Jr. directly, and not through the lens of a smear campaign, he will easily become the favorite and the next president. Therefore, in order to insure corruption flows unabated, and Blackrock, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, Moderna, and Boeing… are your real president, he is eliminated.

Unless you have made a concerted effort to search out RFK Jr. on your own and listen to him with an open mind, there’s almost zero chance that you’ve gotten anything other than smear. If you believe you are at all willing to think for yourself and have your own direct opinion on a candidate, you can start by watching RFK Jr.’s “State of the Union” address. If you are not completely brainwashed, you are in for a huge treat:

If you are unwilling to watch it, you are an unwitting tool of the current administration, which is a grotesque facade plastered on the concept of “Democrat”. You, however, are in good company, because most intelligent, educated people I know have been suckered in the same way you have. It works like this: they bypass your brain and get straight to your heart by preying on your fear of being excommunicated from the trib. They create the impression that everyone already unanimously agrees, and to disagree makes you a repugnantly lunatic. This practice is basically how politics and the news works today, and why people feel like they have to change their avatar to a black square or a Ukrainian flag when everyone else does it. If you don’t, you are a pariah and not a part of the human race. Except that it’s all lies and you are just hopping on a bandwagon out of fear and being manipulated. Anyone who lived through the War on Iraq, and “We Support Our Troops” should knows how this works. Except now the manipulation is on a grander scale, ubiquitous, and based on the latest research and AI predictions. Essentially, when you watch or read the mainstream news you are being programmed to believe whatever is in the best interests of the ruling elite class, the billionaires, and corporations that put money before people’s lives, and by a very wide margin. They’ve greased everyone’s palms, and any standouts, whistleblowers, and people with integrity are drummed out, framed, marginalized, smeared, and otherwise erased from the dialogue.

I think we can all agree that neither Trump nor Biden are “intellectuals”. Not that you need to be in order to occupy the most powerful governmental seat in the world, which Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush proved beyond any shadow of a doubt. But there was a time when presidents were smart. Contrary to the utter propaganda the mainstream media is promulgating, RFK Jr. absolutely qualified to debate, and according to the outrageous made up rules put out by CNN to eliminate any threat to the Biden administration from independent candidates. After he qualified, getting higher than 15% in 4 polls, CNN eliminated one of them as ostensibly not to their standards, even though he got over 15% in CNN’s own poll. And then he needed enough signatures to be on the ballet in enough states to secure 270 electoral votes. He had over 300, BUT, they were not yet “confirmed” by all the states in question. Any state could choose to not confirm them, because they are a republican or democrat stronghold, and thus take it upon themselves to eliminate the competition in a grotesque parody of democracy. In short, Kennedy passed a test that was designed to be unpassable, but then CNN cheated, moved the bar, and made it absolutely impossible to pass.

If you don’t think Kennedy is a great candidate running against two losers, you’ve been imbibing way too much propaganda that passes as news these days, and you doubtlessly have never given the guy a chance. You have ingested smears that are often so ridiculous that you should have seen them as red flags. The reality is that the corporations and the military industrial complex are running the country, Biden is a puppet (and thus highly desirable), and most politicians are bought, sold, and utterly corrupt. RFK Jr. is a threat to the whole damned corrupt system because he has a career as a lawyer fighting corrupt big corporations, and will do the same if he gets in office, which is why they fear him far, far, far more than Trump. Nobody is afraid of Biden. He just mouths whatever they tell him to.

We have been told we have to choose again between the same old dinosaurs, and we are supposed to believe that the other dinosaur is evil incarnate, and as bad as the evil bogey man in Russia that they told us stories for babies about. Both dinosaurs have each already served 4 years, and everything has gotten worse and worse, especially in the last 4 years. Now we’re on the brink of nuclear armageddon. The stupidity is off the charts.

Meanwhile, in RFK Jr. we have an outstanding candidate. As it happens a Kennedy. Oh, is he an “antivaxxer lunatic”!? Is that what your talking head newscaster recited from a script approved by Pfizer? OR, does he have a record of fighting corrupt pharmaceutical companies and trying to insure that all their products, including vaccines, are safe for the public? Give the guy a goddamned chance and use you own god-given brain! Don’t just uncritically believe what the TV or newspaper news tells you to believe, and then spit out that bile like a trained seal. Were YOU taken in by the lies that RFK Jr. didn’t qualify for the debate? Well, then you believed fat juicy lies from your trusted media. How about trusting yourself? Can YOU determine for yourself who is or is not the best candidate, or will you just go along with the impression the corporations that are running the show created for you and disseminated through news agencies they overwhelmingly sponsor and control?

I’m so sick of hearing otherwise intelligent and educated people saying, “He can’t win”! Ugh, if you believe that and you write him off then yes he can’t win because a majority of Americans are so dim and servile that all you have to do is tell them that a candidate can’t win and they will vote for your guy instead. Who falls for THAT line in 2024?! Haven’t you ever been told “you can’t win” or “you’ll lose” or “you can’t do it” by someone trying to discourage you from something? Someone who was probably jealous or envious and didn’t want you to succeed?

A debate without RFK Jr. in it is election interference on steroids, and it is being practiced by the current administration which is now an authoritarian regime. Biden will not give RFK Jr. secret security protection. Do you know why presidential candidates get secret service protection? It started when his own father was assassinated when running for president! Could anything be more atrocious than denying RFK’s son protection when he’s running for president? No! It’s monstrous and evil. It’s evil of historic proportions. RFK Jr. is the ONLY presidential candidate who has requested secret service protection, and been denied it, and as it happens multiple times. The fervent hope and dream of the democratic elite is that RFK Jr. is assassinated.

America is dripping with evil. Democracy is dead. Trump is not the answer. Sure, he’s a maverick that at least isn’t bought and sold by the same people that own Biden, but he’s a liar and incompetent. We have a great candidate, and probably the best in our lifetimes, and that is precisely why the bankrupt pathetic excuse for news has worked so hard to smear him. He is the biggest threat to America being run by corporations for personal gain.

You can watch the “debate” with him in it, from a distance, answering the same questions here: If you don’t give the guy a chance, you can never say that you voted as an independent, thinking, adult in the 2024 elections. You voted as you were told by an advertising campaign launched by corrupt corporations.

~ Ends

4 replies on “Debates for Dimwits, and the Real Winner

  1. Hi, I appreciate your thoughts, and agree for the most part, but I think you should have included other candidates who were not permitted to be seen or heard like Marianne Williamson (who may not be the ideal candidate) nevertheless ostracized from CNN and the running and therefore never had the opportunity to get to the “magic number.” (However, no matter how intelligent a woman is in this country, we are still second rate. Ask Hillary Clinton and no such thing as a racist country (haha) – Nikki Haley, who had some brains and potential. But she held her own with the fellas.)
    Yes, all the worlds a stage, but I’d rather have a dinosaur who can at least behave properly (whether fake or not), and who attends D-Day anniversaries – a commander and chief who doesn’t think of our fallen heroes as “losers.” And one who doesn’t grope women and pay for the information “truth” to go away. Not a dinosaur, a Neanderthal.

    One can go on and on about the injustices that are rampant in our nation Including the justices, who swore on a Bible they would never overturn Roe v. Wade and did. And I believe, for any Justice who swore this oath and broke it, they should be held accountable, in contempt. That’s my puppet piece/peace.

    And peace out.


    1. You’ve bought into the Biden is better than Trump propaganda on a level of serious brainwashing. Do you think that the 34 felonies are real? No. It’s one misdemeanors with 34 subdivisions, and the whole purpose of it is to take him out of the running. It is a tactic of “banana republics” and absolutely despicable. Doing that is infinitely worse than whatever Donald was getting up to with sex workers, or dumb sexist comments he made. I don’t like that stuff either, but in reality, names don’t hurt me, and nuclear meltdown and economic collapse do.

      Hillary was not a good candidate. She was behind the viciously undemocratic tactics employed by the DNC to stop Bernie Sanders, and she was behind the “Russia Gate” hoax that plagued the nation for years. She is evidence that not only men can be corrupted and become warmonders and tools of the deep state and criminal corporations. She was an awful candidate, and like Obama who was a Trojan Horse in the form of a black man, Hillary was a war and corrupt business candidate masquerading as a grandma. She was for suckers, and continues on a path of evil we should all despise.

      You can’t trust the NYT anymore, or CNN, or MSNBC… They’ve all been bought over the last quarter century. Most people my age and older are still running mental software from 2000. Time to upgrade. We are not in the same world as when George W. Bush was president. The rules have changed. And the Democrats are no longer liberal or democratic. They are so awful that even the Republicans are looking better, and when it comes to the lesser of two evils, Trump is now less evil than Biden, who is just a mask for the military industrial complex and corporate greed.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree, it is not just America, I believe democracy is dying everywhere, reason voter apathy. Add to this, until such time as the political parties are controlled regarding the money they spend, which in turn controls the media nothing will change.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have a chance to change it because Bobby Kennedy knows all that and is running for president, and will win if people will stop just sitting on their hands and muttering BS about Donald Trump and how we need Dementia Joe in order to exist at all. None of those big corporations are donating to RFK Jr., and he had to abandon running as a Democrat because they wouldn’t allow an honest person to run in their party. He’s our best hope, and he can easily win if people just stop buying in to the brainwashing.


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